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tuesday_next:demiurge [2023/07/09 08:49] – Added the beginning of the list of known Demi Urges alephalpha0tuesday_next:demiurge [2024/03/18 04:04] (current) – [Known Demi Urges] alephalpha0
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 ====== Demi Urges ====== ====== Demi Urges ======
-A conceit of the consciousness that all beings share, a Demi Urges is akin to a god in their characteristics but closer to Jim Jones and other cult leaders in actions and engagements. +A conceit of the consciousness that all beings share, a Demi Urges is akin to a god in their characteristics but closer to Jim Jones and other cult leaders in actions and engagements. This is not hyperbole, [[tuesday_next/cults]] are the bread and butter of Demi Urges. Being the focal point of so many follower's time and adoration helps sustain the corporeal bodies of the Demi Urges.  
 +Demi Urges are never born. This lack of pain experience plays a large role in their treatment of those who worship them
 ===== Known Demi Urges ===== ===== Known Demi Urges =====
-  * [[/tuesday_next/demiurge/omni_bigface|Omni Bigface]]+  * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/omni_bigface|Omni Bigface]]
   * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/style_28|Style 28]]   * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/style_28|Style 28]]
   * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/sezzzz|Sezzzz]]   * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/sezzzz|Sezzzz]]
 +  * [[tuesday_next/demiurge/von_jaggo|Von Jaggo]]