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kb:cli:oneliners:python3 [2022/11/14 11:35] – created alephalpha0kb:cli:oneliners:python3 [2022/11/14 15:06] (current) – [HTTP Server] one liners in place. alephalpha0
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 ===== HTTP Server ===== ===== HTTP Server =====
 ''python3'' comes with its own builtin http server. Useful for quick prototyping or sharing a folder or file up with the quickness. ''python3'' comes with its own builtin http server. Useful for quick prototyping or sharing a folder or file up with the quickness.
 +  * ''python3 -m http.server 8000''
 +This serves the ''pwd'' over every available interface on port 8000.
 +  * ''python3 -m http.server --bind --directory /foo/bar/''
 +This serves ''/foo/bar/'' on the ''localhost/lo1'' interface.